Positivity In SELFCARE - Caring For Your Body

Oct 13, 2021
Positivity In SELFCARE - Caring For Your Body


"Connect to the absolute wonder that is this complex mechanism of parts and signals and messages and organs that coordinate to allow you to approach your day in a unified way."



Hello positively Posse. Welcome back. I am so excited that you are joining me today not just because you're taking time to spend with me, but because you are making a conscious choice to press the pause button, to be able to take time to pour into you. This is The Island of Positivity, and we are taking this pause to redefine recharge reset before we resume. This is continuing in our self care series because when we take a pause, when you take a pause, the goal and the objective is to press the pause button on everything around you that is competing for your attention and to focus that attention inwards to you, to this place of recovery, of resetting, of refreshing, of renewing.

Today, we are focusing on the care, the C in self care. Take that deep breath in allowing it to infuse through your entire body, and then release. Appreciate that the care for ourselves requires that we care for this amazing temple that is our body. That in this moment, you close your eyes and connect to the miracle in every single cell, connect to the absolute wonder that is this complex mechanism of parts and signals and messages and organs that coordinate to allow you to approach your day in a unified way.

The parts of your body work in synchrony to serve you. For you to honor the amazing temple that is your body, so that you can carry out the divine purpose that has been assigned to you it is imperative that you do your utmost to care for your temple. The magic of every single breath, every heartbeat, every thought, every movement that you execute that experience throughout the day is evidence of the miraculous coordination, the miraculous expression of the divine in you.



"This pause serves as that re-connection, that reminder, that allows you to resume with a renewed perspective and commitment..."



As you take this pause visualizing as you turn inward, the beautiful harmony that is your body. This time and space allows you to connect, to think, to stay still enough to experience the grandeur of you and your body. As you allow your senses to become overwhelmed by the very nature of your physical being. As you take this time to center and the beauty and the magic of you, of your body, that this time allows you to commit a new. 

To set that intention as you embrace the wonder of your physical body. That in taking this time, you promise yourself that you will do everything in your power to care for this amazing vessel that has been assigned to you, that every piece of this body is a unique manifestation of you. As you take this pause to honor, to connect, and to be reminded of this amazing temple. That as you resume, you resumed with a renewed energy, a renewed vigor, a renewed commitment to exercising all of the aspects of taking care of your temple.

As you go forth today, feeling refreshed, invigorated, excited to preserve this body, which means everything within your power that allows you to care for this temple. What you eat, how you move, how you exercise, how you make sure that you are going to the doctor, how you make sure that you are paying attention to the signs and signals, how you make sure that you are doing all that you need to be able to take care of your body, you make that promise to yourself in this moment.

 With every day as you take this #PositivityPause for self care, it brings you into the wonder of your physical body, which reminds you of every promise that you have made to care for it to the best of your ability. This pause serves as that re-connection, that reminder, that allows you to resume with a renewed perspective and commitment to doing that work. This is your positivity pause today, as you redefine recharge, renew reset, and then resume from that place of being refreshed. God Bless.


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