Flex Your Positivity

Sep 09, 2021
Flex Your Positivity


“The more that you push away that negativity, the more that you develop the strength to be able to maintain that positive perspective.”



Hello, positivity posse welcome back! I am so excited and thrilled that you are taking the time to press the pause button to pour into you. This is a pause that allows you to just redefine, recharge, reset before you resume. One of the things that this pause will allow you to do is just to strengthen and to gain the muscle that is required to push back against the resistance.

Now we have a 15-year-old, and I remember when Mark was younger, he was the most positive kid, and then he became a teenager and everything that I say to him, he has a counter narrative, an argument, a resistance. So, what I've told him is that whenever you feel that resistance, just push back against it, and the more that you push away the resistance, the more that you push away that negativity, the more that you develop the strength to be able to maintain that positive perspective. As you take this pause, remember that this is a time when you can literally strengthen yourself.



As you push back against resistance, you actually begin to reframe negativity and resistance because you see them as an opportunity...



This is the time that you recharge, that you build those muscles, that you just focus on the development of the muscles that allow you to push negativity awake. Fill your body with the nutrients, fill your body with all of the sustenance, fill your mind with those things that will allow you to become so strengthened that the muscles become so developed that you push against resistance. The more that you push resistance away, the more that you push negativity away, the more you are able to clear a path for your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

During this pause, take an opportunity to just reflect on something that makes you feel strong. Bring that mental image that makes you feel strong and powerful, and then meditate on that and see yourself developing the muscles. As you push resistance away, continuing to have those muscles become stronger and stronger. For me, coming up with new ways of thinking about things makes me feel strong and powerful, and so during my positivity pause, I use it as a form of self-expression to create within my imagination, those images that make me feel very powerful because I have created something new. Whatever that thing is for you, that comes from the inside and makes you feel powerful you focus on that thing, and it helps you to build those muscles.

As you push back against resistance, you actually begin to reframe negativity and resistance because you see them as an opportunity for you to become stronger as you push them away from you. So, during this pause, just continue to build that power and to think about those muscles developing as you push away, negativity and resistance, focus on that throughout your pauses for the day and see how it makes you feel. God bless you and see you again tomorrow.


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