Positivity In SELFCARE - Self Expression

Oct 07, 2021
Positivity In SELFCARE - Self Expression


"When you take a pause for self-expression, it is really the creativity, the God within you expressed and manifested."




Hello, positivity posse! Welcome back to The Positivity Pause Podcast. I am so excited that you have chosen to join me today and even more thrilled that you are taking the time to pour into you. This is an opportunity on The Island of Positivity to redefine recharge reset before you resume, and this is such an important place of recovery. Pressing the pause button allows you to optimize your mental, physical, and emotional health and it is so incredibly important for you to take this time, to pour into yourself. This is an opportunity for self-care.

If you don't care for yourself, then without a doubt, you will not be able to care for anyone else in a sustainable fashion. During this pause, what do you do to pour it into yourself? The “E” in self-care is this place of self-expression and when you take a pause for self-expression, it is really the creativity, the God within you expressed and manifested. When you take the time during these pauses to just connect to you, to turn inward and to really experience the inner soul that is uniquely you, that expression of you, that brings you into a place of flow. Flow being the place where everything else falls away, and you are transported by the essence of you by the very nature of you.



"When you can hold fast, that in this moment, as you exit from this moment, you are healed."




Ass you focus only on that expression of you and whatever that is for you, whether it is dancing, whether it is running, whether it is walking, whether it is art, whether it is dressing in some type of clothing, that is your walking art, whether it is writing poetry, whether is writing fiction, whether it is simply styling your hair. Whatever that thing is that allows you to connect to you that is that expression, unfettered and unfiltered that is you. That in it, you experienced such joy that all of the responsibilities, the worries, and the concerns of the world fall away, and you flow to this place of pure existing, just in the moment of the expression of you.

When you take a pause for self-expression, the result is a reenergizing, a reconnecting to yourself that uplifts you, that encourages you, that reminds you of the amazing beauty of you and of life. When you can hold fast, that in this moment, as you exit from this moment, you are healed. You are restored in so many corners of yourself, that it allows you to step into whatever you are facing in the next moment, with the confidence, with a peace, with an assurance, that there is nothing that you cannot do.

You have tapped into your unlimited and have stepped out of it into the next step in your life. You can do it! When you take these pauses, you are positioned to step into the next experience with everything that you need. This pause for that essence or that expression of you is healing and your unlimited lives within it. Not even the sky is your limit, God bless!


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