Positivity In Self Love - Comparison

Oct 28, 2021
Positivity In Self Love - Comparison



"Love can be defined as a great interest and pleasure. Love can be defined as an intense feeling of deep and constant affection."



Hello, positivity posse. Welcome back to the positivity pause podcast. I am so excited that you have chosen to spend some time with me today, but even more so I am over the moon happy that you have chosen to take some time to pause, to pour in to you. That you have prioritized yourself, and that you have recognized that in this pause is the opportunity for you to redefine recharge reset before you resume. In this pause, there is the opportunity for recovery that makes a big difference to your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Today, I invite you to continue with me on the theme of self-love because as we pause for self care, as you make a choice for self care, it means that you are able to show up in the rest of your life strengthened, fortified and healthy so that you can be the blessing to others that you were purposed to be. What do we mean when we talk about love? Love can be defined as a great interest and pleasure. Love can be defined as an intense feeling of deep and constant affection. Love can be defined as a feeling of being deeply committed, and liking and enjoying something.




"That if each of us is unique, then we cannot compare apples to oranges so that there is no comparison. You stand alone in your uniqueness..."



Isn't it amazing that we can apply that to ourselves, that you can have a feeling of deep and constant affection for yourself. Just imagine when you love on someone and you pour into them, you fill them and you surround them with a feeling that is deep and a constant feeling of affection. How that fills their tanks, how would that elevate them, how that gives them a sense of appreciation for themselves, because they feel worthy of the love that you have showered on them. Isn't it completely necessary and mandatory that we afford ourselves, that same opportunity to feel deeply connected to ourselves, to extend deep appreciation and affection to ourselves, to see ourselves with a light in our eyes that make us take a look and say, Hey, I am awesome, I am deserving of a love that shines upon me recognizing the amazing person that I am. One of the things that many times threatens to derail our love for ourselves is comparison.

So often we hear the same comparison is the thief of joy, but we are in a society where comparison becomes the status quo, the name of the game. What I'd like to remind you as we remember the scripture being fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are uniquely designed each one of us different from the other. Even as you hear the saying, you cannot compare apple to apples to oranges, that is exactly right. That if each of us is unique, then we cannot compare apples to oranges so that there is no comparison. You stand alone in your uniqueness and therefore that self-love is coming to the appreciation of the unique proposition, the unique creation that you are, that there is no one else like you, and therefore it is not possible to compare you to anyone else.




"Not even the sky is the limit when you think about the love for yourself, because it is the love that God has for you."



So, as you take this positivity pause to connect deeply with yourself to express that deep affection, to the unique gift that you are, that you throw to the wayside, any temptation to compare yourself to anyone else, because it is not possible to compare apples and oranges. Therefore your unique design specifically positioned in this time and in this space for a purpose makes you a one of a kind and the love that you share on yourself, the self-love the affection, the connection to you, as you know, who you are, is a manifestation and a declaration that you are unique and uniquely deserving of your own love. Your love for yourself is unlimited. Not even the sky is the limit when you think about the love for yourself, because it is the love that God has for you. And so take these pauses throughout the day to remind yourself of the amazing creation that you are and the declare, the love that you have for you. Be blessed.


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