Positivity In Self Love - Perfection

Oct 28, 2021
Positivity In Self Love - Perfection



"When we think about perfection, perfection means that it is done, there is no place else to go it is perfect."



Hello, positivity posse. Welcome back to the positivity pause podcast. I am so excited that you have taken the time to spend some time with me, but even more important is that you have taken the time to press the pause button to pour into you. In this world where we are constantly going, taking the time to press the pause button so that you can redefine recharge reset before you resume is so incredibly important for optimizing your mental, emotional, and physical health. So as you take this pause today and hopefully continually throughout the day you have an opportunity to bring yourself squarely into connection to you eliminating all of the competing attention, all of the competing messages, all of the negativity that may be swirling around you, that you plant yourself squarely in this moment to take this pause to pour into you.

As we continue on this theme of self-love, one of the things that very often many of us can struggle with is the need to be perfect striving for perfection and certainly as we take a pause to reflect on how we are perfectly imperfect. I offer this opportunity as you connect with a deep affection to yourself, that you look at all of the imperfections and that you embrace and that you love on each and every one of them. When we think about perfection, perfection means that it is done, there is no place else to go it is perfect.




"That freedom, that liberation positions you, the hug on yourself, love on yourself, value every ward, every thorn, every shortcoming..."



If in our lives we have just perfect then what do we have that encourages us to continue to grow, to continue to evolve, to continue to discover. Life is a journey of ongoing learning, it is a journey of curiosity, it is a journey of building knowledge upon knowledge, and the factors that motivate us to continue that journey of learning more about ourselves and other is because there is more to be learned. There is improvement to be achieved, there are differences to be uncovered. If we stand in a place of perfection, then essentially it robs us of the opportunity to live life with the excitement and with the enthusiasm of discovering more about ourselves and discovering more about others. In actuality, this universe, we are constantly growing, constantly acquiring knowledge, constantly coming up with new inventive and innovative ways of solving problems, and that is because we do not live in a state of perfection.

We have not arrived there is not a full stop, nothing else to be done. And so if we apply this to ourselves, then we can love every single imperfection about ourselves, because it presents itself as an opportunity for us to grow, to evolve, to stretch, to discover more about our amazing gifts and talents, the self-love that gives you permission to celebrate your imperfections because they are the platform and the springboard for your ability to come into your limited. That freedom, that liberation positions you, the hug on yourself, love on yourself, value every ward, every thorn, every shortcoming, because it is through though that you will continue to build in, grow into all that God has created you to be and the unlimited nature of who you are. So as you pause today just embrace and love those imperfections. Be reminded that not even the sky is your limit. God Bless.


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