Habit of Positivity #1

Sep 01, 2021
The Positivity Pause Podcast Episode 11: Habit of Positivity #1




There is always a solution.




Hello, Positivity Posse! Welcome back to The Positivity Pause Podcast. I am so excited to be with you again today. Quite frankly, I am beyond thrilled that you are taking time for a #PositivityPause, an opportunity to just pour into you a pause for positivity, however that manifests and shows up for you.

Today I'd like to take you through the first habit of positivity. As you know, The Island of Positivity is a place where you can redefine, recharge, and reset before you resume. Part of the way that you're able to do that reliably, as you take a pause for positivity is to develop a mindset that prioritizes yourself in the moments where you do the things that add to you. Truly when we think about positivity and negativity, it is really the choice between focusing on the things that add to you and essentially discarding the things that take away from you. Part of developing this habit of pausing for positivity requires that you practice five simple habits that will make it something that you're able to embed as part of a mindset.

The first habit of positivity is there is always a solution, you just work to find it. So, as you take this pause today, I want you to just consider that in every situation, in every problem, there is a way to come to some type of resolution. So, as you breathe in and you take in this notion of pausing for positivity, knowing and believing that there is always a solution. What we believe is everything, because it sets the stage for what you do. It sets the stage for how you act. So if you believe that there is a solution, then you have already positioned yourself to act with the expectation that there is going to be a solution to your problem.



"Allow the positive mindset, allow the positive approach to direct you in feeling empowered in knowing and believing that there is a solution."




What I love about the habit of positivity, number one (as we talk about redefining), many times we think of solutions as an endpoint. We think of it as a simple or a finite answer. In actuality, if we focus on the root of the word solution, the Latin root, s(w)e- leu, actually means to untie a knot. So, as you pause for positivity, and you think about your problem and the solution as just being a process, that allows you to really explore untie, unpack, or turn over your problem. Within that process you gain so much insight. You can gain so much strength. You can gain access to your inner resources and your external resources amongst so many other things. So, the process of untying the solution actually adds to you. The focus does not necessarily always become what is the end point, but the journey and the process that gets you there will help to position you to be empowered in whatever your journey is.

I encourage you as you think about, habit of positivity number one, and you approach any situation from a perspective of believing that there is a solution, you are positioned to approach your challenges in a way that it serves you and that it adds to you. So, as you continue these reflections throughout the day, in any situation that you encounter, take a pause. Allow the positive mindset, allow the positive approach to direct you in feeling empowered in knowing and believing that there is a solution. As you think about it in that way, as you pause to just remind yourself that you have everything that you need in order to untie the problem, you come away from your positivity, pause, invigorated, inspired, and energized to engage, to find your solution. Thank you so much for joining me today. God bless you!


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