Habit of Positivity #2

Sep 01, 2021
The Positivity Pause Podcast Episode 12: Habit of Positivity #2




Convert a limit into an opportunity.



Hello, Positivity Posse! Welcome back to The Positivity Pause Podcast. I am so excited that you are here today. Not only because it thrills me to know that we're spending this time together, but also because I am just beyond over the moon, that you were taking some time to pause for positivity. Today I’d really like to explore and introduce you to habit of positivity number two. On the island of positivity, we say that you are taking a pause to redefine, recharge, reset before you resume. One of the ways of redefining is embracing habits of positivity number two.

During these pauses, the whole purpose is to create that space where you can focus on the things that add to you rather than the things that take away from you. And in this place of considering those things that add to you, habit of positivity number two allows you to redefine. In that process of redefining the things that you may initially consider are taking away from you. As you redefine, you will find yourself empowered and elevated by a shift in your perspective. Pausing for positivity and considering habit of positivity number two especially, during those times where you might be encountering challenges during the day, is a wonderful way to refuel, to recharge, reset before you resume.



"In having your problem serve you, you are able to then view whatever the situation is from a perspective of how does this strengthen me?" 



Habit of positivity number two says that you can convert a limit into an opportunity. So, the things that you may consider are meant to take away from you are meant to frustrate you are meant to create hardship, there is a way to shift your perspective, to look at them in a way that helps you to identify how your problem can serve you, rather than you serve your problem. In having your problem serve you, you are able to then view whatever the situation is from a perspective of how does this strengthen me? How does this allow me to develop more resilience or grit? How does this allow me to be more creative, more innovative? How does this allow me to access my network? There are so many other attributes that you are able to develop as you think about the limit and how it creates an opportunity for you to rise above the circumstance. In so doing, you are able to actually have this feeling that you were thankful that you encountered that limit because it showed you a part of yourself that you may not have necessarily ever even stopped to realize that you had that in you.

So, as we think about habit of positivity number two in this period of pause, you will be able to shift the perspective in a way that elevates you (As I have said before) and brings you into this place of feeling fulfilled, feeling encouraged, feeling hopeful, and feeling that you have the ability to make the choice to how you view your circumstances. Which then positions you to act in a way that helps you to move forward knowing that you do have everything that you need within the situation to rise above it, to overcome, to be successful. Habit of positivity number two… As you pause for positivity, allow yourself to be immersed in this habit that brings you to this place of joy, peace, and hope. Habit a positive number two… turn a limit into an opportunity! God bless you.



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