Positivity Pause- 🧡UNDAUNTED💛

Jan 26, 2023

It’s time for a #POSITIVITYPAUSE 

TAKE a moment to inhale for a count of 3, hold for a count of 3, exhale for a count of 3



Do stormy skies have a tendency to knock the wind out of your sails

How do you show up even when the life forecast is glum and clouds gray

Consider the word UNDAUNTED - Showing up enthusiastic and determined even in the face of difficulty and disappointment

How can you achieve that

I start by putting on a colorful outfit, adding a touch of zest and stepping out on faith.

Notice where your eyes are drawn in this photo. You almost don’t notice the gray clouds and sky!

When your life skies are gray, take a snapshot of light and life and position it in the middle of your circumstance and see how your focal point changes

Take a Positivity Pause to try it now and feel hope radiate from the inside out


Ready to say "No" to Negativity?

New Book Reveals 5 scientifically Proven Positivity Habits to help you cope, hope, and be well in times of difficulty. 

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