The Importance of Pausing

Aug 16, 2022
The Positivity Pause Podcast Episode 4: The Importance of Pausing



“Press the pause button to allow for the renewal of your mind, spirit, and overall well-being...”



Hello, Positivity Posse!

Today I really want to focus on the importance of pause.

Pause is an integral part of renewal of productivity and of our power, and if you look around nature, there are so many examples of how pause becomes a part of a cycle of renewal.

Animals hibernate. They go into a period of pause and rest and sleep before getting ready for the next season. Fruits and plants have cycles of dormancy and then of harvest. Our bodies require a pause. Sleep is extremely important, and we know that the evidence shows that if you don't have enough sleep, you are at increased risk for things like Alzheimer's. God paused on the seventh day, during the creation he rested. Even Jesus paused when he went into the wilderness. 

If we think about our bodies, our bodies require pause, not just in the sleep cycle, but if we think about something like exercise, which is so incredibly important for our fitness, for our cardiovascular health, for our mental and emotional health. One might think that being in the gym, working out constantly is actually the ideal. I mean after all possible to exercise too much. Could there ever really be too much of a good thing? Yes. Exercise, requires pause, and recovery. When you are pushing your muscles to the limit, and you're asking them to do reps so as to build endurance and strength it is critical to have periods of pause and recovery to prevent injury. And the same is true for our mental, emotional health, especially as it is related to our perspective on life. 



"Could there ever really be too much of a good thing?"



It is important for us to press the pause button on the onslaught of all of the things that swirl around us that threaten our sense of well-being. We have thousand to 18,000 thoughts a day, and do you know that 80% of those thoughts are negative? Do you also know, have you recognized that negativity sells? So that if you look at the new cycles and the media coverage, it is predominantly an overwhelmingly focused on the things that will certainly present as negative. And so we need to press the pause button to allow for the renewal of our minds, allow for the renewal of our spirits, allow for the renewal of just our overall well-being. 

Our physical, mental, and emotional well-being really depends on us taking the opportunity to pause. Where we can redefine what is really important, where we can pour into ourselves, where we can recharge and build back up, where we can reset. If we continue to just allow negativity to have its way with us, then it is constantly adding up and adding up adding up. We have to take those times to re-zero, and then it allows us to resume, charged up and ready to go. As my character, Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo would say, “I am charged up and ready to go”. 

So, take this pause today to understand that you are doing yourself a huge favor. You are building your emotional, mental, and physical health by pressing the pause button to allow those periods of renewal and recovery so that you can show up as your best self and really live this unlimited life. That is your birthright. I am Dr. Oneeka Williams, not even the sky is the limit and God bless you!


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